
About Me

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Caledonia, Northern Illinois, United States
I am a Thirty-Something mother of four beautiful girls. My love for them, and the joy I've experienced during this crazy ride called motherhood, has inspired me to help make the dream of a family become a reality for couples through gestational surrogacy. I've proudly helped A&T, as their lives were forever changed when they welcomed a son in April 2010 and K&S were blessed as parents in Sept 2012 when we welcomed their twin boys. I completed my final surrogacy journey Nov 2015 when I helped a wonderful local couple J&W and Big Brother add their family with the birth of twin boys. I am so very fortunate to have wonderful relationships with each one of my surro-families and continue to share in their lives.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Making The Dream Your Own

I was recently asked by the agency I've worked with for both of my journeys, Family Source Consultants, to be the very first "Featured Surrogate" in their newsletter.  I was asked to write a summary of my journeys and an article of sorts to share with other women going through the process.  I was honored and excited to have the opportunity.  I decided to write about nurturing the surrogate/intended parent relationship in hopes to give some insight into the emotional connection a surro has with the couple she intends to help.  This aspect of the journey isn't always something that just falls into place, it takes effort from both sides to have a successful journey and I think I've been blessed to have what I would imagine to be the ideal relationship with both of the wonderful couples I've carried for.

Making the Dream Your Own - 
Nurturing the Surrogate/Intended Parent Relationship


Carly said...

How special Tiffany! I've followed you through your last journey, and I think you the perfect candidate! You are amazing!
xoxo Carly mommy of twins

Michael said...

What a perfect story. I love, love, love hearing about a surrogate's perspective. Thanks for letting me know how an IP's life and dream really impacts the surrogate's life too. I know that not a day goes by when I don't think about my surrogate. It's nice to know she's probably thinking about me too.