
About Me

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Caledonia, Northern Illinois, United States
I am a Thirty-Something mother of four beautiful girls. My love for them, and the joy I've experienced during this crazy ride called motherhood, has inspired me to help make the dream of a family become a reality for couples through gestational surrogacy. I've proudly helped A&T, as their lives were forever changed when they welcomed a son in April 2010 and K&S were blessed as parents in Sept 2012 when we welcomed their twin boys. I completed my final surrogacy journey Nov 2015 when I helped a wonderful local couple J&W and Big Brother add their family with the birth of twin boys. I am so very fortunate to have wonderful relationships with each one of my surro-families and continue to share in their lives.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Now we wait (transfer complete)

Yellow/Green - check
Pineapple - check
French Fries - check
Good luck charm - check
Perfect lining - check
One grade 1 embie - check
BFP.......... I'll let you know soon!!!!!!!

Transfer went great today!!! Our IFV coord said my lining was "beautiful". Although I never did get a final measurement it looked super fluffy on the u/s. As you know we had only one lil embie to transfer but it was looking great, 6-8 cells and they helped it along with assisted hatching to give it the best chance. IM and I held on to the good luck charms she got us both, held hands and shed a couple of tears as we watched the little "starburst" on the u/s as the embryo found it's way to it's new comfy cozy home.

DH and I spent the day hanging out with IPs, they took us to get Chicago style hotdogs where I got some yummy fries of course. We then headed to a quieter coffee shop for some pastries and had a few hours to chit chat before we headed out on our way.

IPs decided they don't want to know prior to BETA, so since she may peek in're all gonna have to wait too!!!!

Hoping the little button is getting snuggled in....BETA is Monday, December 1st.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It Only Take One

We have an embryo!!!! Woohoo!!!!!

We'd love to have had both eggies fertilize for transfer but we are estactic to have even one make it at this point. Still a lot that could happen in the next 48 hours but the prayers and good thoughts seem to be working so keep them coming.

Transfer is set for Thursday morning. Grow Embie Grow!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Keeping All Crossables Crossed

I just got a txt from IM, she is recovering and groggy but had good news to report ..... two eggs were retrieved which is great considering there were only 2 follies. Now the suspense of waiting to hear if either of them fertilize. Keep your good thoughts and prayers coming. Transfer will be Thursday if we have an embie or two to work with after the next couple of days.

I'll update when I know more.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dates are Set

Well IM still only has 3 follies (RE was hoping for 10 minimum). Two are measuring up nicely, the other is on the small side and likely won't mature. My IPs discussed it and decided to move forward regardless. IM will be triggering over the weekend and the egg retrieval will be Monday (11/17). Between the two good follicles there may be 0-4 eggs (a follie sometimes may not have an egg at all or may have one or two). Usually only a percentage of the eggs retrieved will fertilize and then the embryo(s) is monitored and assessed for 3 day before transfer. We are keeping fingers crossed that after retrieval and fertilization we have an embryo or two to work with. Our odds aren't great but there is still a chance so we remain hopeful. We are just praying for that one embie, it only takes one! Looks like if we get an embryo or two to work with transfer will be Thursday (11/20).

Keep us in your thoughts, we can use any prayers you can send our way.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Praying for Eggies

Here's a lil update, we could use your good thoughts.

Last Friday IM's estorgen levels were on the low side and as I mentioned before there were only 5 follicles, the IVF coord said they'd like to see at least 10. Then at yesterday's check there were only 3, the other two were gone and her b/w was consistent with what they saw. She's continuing meds and the next check will be Friday and she was told the Dr. will go over the statistics and odds then.

We know it only takes one and are hopeful with some time there will be more follicles/eggs to work with. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we will have a successful retrieval.

More news coming Friday.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Things are coming along

I had another monitoring appointment today. I was pleasantly surprised to run into IM at the office, we didn't have plans to meet this time but she had an appointment right before mine so we had some time to chit chat in the office while I waited my turn.

IM's check went well, she has 5 follicles right now and are hoping to see a few more pop up in the coming days, ideally 10 would be great.

My bloodwork and u/s went good too. Ovaries were clear and my lining was at 7.43mm, we want to see it get to at least 8mm so with a little less than two weeks to go that shouldn't be a problem. What is important is they see a triple stripe which indicates a good "landing pad for the embroys" and that is looking fine. Estradoil level was 387 which she said was great so my instructions are to continue with 5u Lupron daily and 2mg Estrace 3x a day.

IM's next monitoring appointment is Tuesday so I'll hear from the clinic then when my next appointment will be and soon we'll begin to get confirmed dates of when everything will take place.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Not much longer now

I hope the TWW goes this quickly!! Can't believe we are just a lil over 2 weeks away from baby making.

I had an appointment yesterday and all went well. I got a little confused on my med protocol and took 2mg Estrace yesterday morning not realizing I wasn't supposed to take it till after getting verbal instructions following my appointment but all ended up ok. There was also a miscommunication with the clinic regarding my consents. I was instructed to have them in my file prior to transfer but now they are saying they should have been there prior to starting meds so, Jason and I rushed off to get them notarized and he is faxing them over today.

IM and I had a very nice chat over breakfast, it was exciting to finally get to talk about moving forward, it is all a reality now and not just a plan anymore. We had plenty of time to talk about family and work and all those things too. I always enjoy having time with her.

IMs meds will begin next week and as she is monitored we'll get a more concrete idea of when her ER will be and from there a date for when we'll be transfering but for now the tentative date is November 19th, not long now!