
About Me

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Caledonia, Northern Illinois, United States
I am a Thirty-Something mother of four beautiful girls. My love for them, and the joy I've experienced during this crazy ride called motherhood, has inspired me to help make the dream of a family become a reality for couples through gestational surrogacy. I've proudly helped A&T, as their lives were forever changed when they welcomed a son in April 2010 and K&S were blessed as parents in Sept 2012 when we welcomed their twin boys. I completed my final surrogacy journey Nov 2015 when I helped a wonderful local couple J&W and Big Brother add their family with the birth of twin boys. I am so very fortunate to have wonderful relationships with each one of my surro-families and continue to share in their lives.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Praying for Eggies

Here's a lil update, we could use your good thoughts.

Last Friday IM's estorgen levels were on the low side and as I mentioned before there were only 5 follicles, the IVF coord said they'd like to see at least 10. Then at yesterday's check there were only 3, the other two were gone and her b/w was consistent with what they saw. She's continuing meds and the next check will be Friday and she was told the Dr. will go over the statistics and odds then.

We know it only takes one and are hopeful with some time there will be more follicles/eggs to work with. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we will have a successful retrieval.

More news coming Friday.

1 comment:

Danielle Heath said...

I'm thinking about you and sending as much baby dust as I can find in your direction!!!