
About Me

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Caledonia, Northern Illinois, United States
I am a Thirty-Something mother of four beautiful girls. My love for them, and the joy I've experienced during this crazy ride called motherhood, has inspired me to help make the dream of a family become a reality for couples through gestational surrogacy. I've proudly helped A&T, as their lives were forever changed when they welcomed a son in April 2010 and K&S were blessed as parents in Sept 2012 when we welcomed their twin boys. I completed my final surrogacy journey Nov 2015 when I helped a wonderful local couple J&W and Big Brother add their family with the birth of twin boys. I am so very fortunate to have wonderful relationships with each one of my surro-families and continue to share in their lives.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Our New Normal

Everyone is settling in and getting used to the "new normal" and I'm not talking about the recently released television series. ;-)

K&S are adjusting.  The boys keep them very busy between the feedings and the changing and then all over again, and again, and again.  LOL  Both Ryan and Mason are good eaters, they are getting a combo of formula and the breast milk I'm providing.  As for sleep, they're being a lil more wakeful and everyone is adjusting to the day to day changes that come along with babies who are still working themselves into a good routine.  K&S are juggling the boys with the help of their au pair, who K has said is awesome. She's making the transition to parenthood a lil easier by letting them focus on the babies while she tends to all the "other" tasks that come with two newborns in the house.  As K&S transition into work again she'll be stepping up more and more to help with daily hands on baby stuff of course.

I'm getting back to myself again.  It took a good week and a half after the c-section but I'm feeling ok and mostly pain free.  In retrospect the c/s wasn't that bad but, it did take nearly a week longer to recover than my other deliveries.  Of course I'm not fully healed, that will take some time yet but at least I can move and function and sleep in my own bed again. :-)  I've been very busy pumping round the clock to supply the lil guys with breast milk in hopes of giving them the best start possible.  As of right now, I'm out producing them - they take about 100mL per feeding each (every 3 hours) and I'm pumping 300mL per session (every 3-4 hours).  Not too shabby.  It takes a lot of diligence to take on exclusive pumping - it's time consuming -  but I do love feeling needed and connected.  I've mentally committed to keep pumping until our 1 year transfer anniversary which is late January - so we'll see how it goes and take it a month at a time.  As of right now, since K is on maternity leave, and so am I, we plan to just meet up every couple of weeks for a "delivery".  Yesterday I headed into the city to attend my good friend Daisy's surrotwins 1st birthday so while out that way K met me and took home just over 300 oz that I'd pumped since last Sunday.  She, IF and the boys are visiting on Thursday, we are doing a newborn photo shoot here at our house, and I'll have more to send home with them then.

I have PICTURES!!  K got a lot of great shots at the hospital that tell our story.  Visit the link in the right margin "Surrogacy Photo Album" and enter the password.  Enjoy.

Oh and a quick congrats to K&S's friend Koby - she was the winner of the Baby Pool with super low score for BOTH boys.  Nice job.

1 comment:

greatdana said...

Good job pumping! Can I ask how the transition went from the birth until you had enough milk to hand it off? Did they just supplement for a few days with formula?